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The Governing Body comprises:-

  • one L.A. Governor - nominated by the Local Authority
  • three Parent Governors - elected by the parent body
  • eight Co-opted Governors – members of the local community, nominated from Community organisations (incl. Parish Council) or by other governors
  • one Staff Governor - elected by the staff
  • Headteacher (who can choose to be a governor or not)

The Governors generally hold office for a period of four years, however Co-opted Governors under the current constitution hold office for three years.
They meet as a full governing body twice a term. There are two main committees: Resources (which covers Finance, Personnel, Premises) and Curriculum, Learning and Achievement (CLA).
These committees have delegated responsibilities, giving advice to the full governing body, and are required to report back on all of their actions.

All governors are accessible should you wish to consult them and can be contacted via the School Office.

Swavesey Primary School Governing Body 2023-2024

Name of Governor Category
(Nominated by)
Date of appointment & Term of Office Committee Membership Link Subjects and Responsibilities Business & Pecuniary Interests (inc governance roles at other schools)

Hannah Parish

Chair of Governors

February 2024 - March 2027 Resources 

Early Years and EY&P


Health & Safety, Premises, Renumeration committee

Lynsey Fulcher
Vice chair of Governors
July 2022 - July 2025 Resources

English, Phonics/CLLD
Staff Wellbeing & Engagement,
Remuneration Committee, Headteacher's Performance Management

Cambridgeshire County Council/LGSS - Human Resources Business Partner
Robin Adams Co-opted (Local Community) July 2022 - July 2025 CLA


Steve Byfield Parent (Parent Election) February 2021 - February 2025 Resources

Music, Computing


Child Protection & Safeguarding Committee

Catherine Cannon Co-Opted (FGB) December 2023 - December 2026 Resources (Chair)



Head Teacher Performance Management, Renumeration Committee

Tina Carminati Co-opted
October 2019 - October 2025 Resources Design Technology, PE
Nicola Griffiths Parent (Parent Election) March 2023 - March 2027

CLA (Chair)



Rachel Hallam Co-opted (FGB) December 2023 - December 2026





Head Teacher Performance Management Committee

Cambridgeshire County Council (Research Team Manager)
Youping Han LA (Local Authority) July 2022 - July 2026 CLA Art, Lead Mentor None
Marc Moore Parish Council Co-opted Governor March 2024 – April 2027 Resources TBC

Other governance role - Co-opted Governor

Anna Norden Head Teacher Continuous CLA
Stuart Nunn Parent (Parent election) December 2023 - November 2027 CLA History, Geography  
Rachel Sprawson  Teacher
(Elected Staff Member)
January 2022 - January 2026 CLA   None

Associate Members

Lucy Poskitt Deputy Head April 2014 - Duration of post FGB None Staff Member
Wendy Whistler Business Manager Sept 2017 - Duration of post Resources Selective Group - local supplier Staff Member
Andrew Baker   July 2022 onwards FGB Private Tuition - Kip McGrath  
Dr Alison Fox   June 2022 onwards FGB    

Resignations during the year
